Every Sunday School “expert” knows that new classes reach more people than existing classes, AND that the optimum
size for adult classes is 15-25 in attendance, and then start a new class. Well, recently I learned of a church that discovered a new twist.
They are committed to starting new classes and new small groups to reach more people, especially their unchurched, non-Christian friends. They have a large class that needed more space, and the only space large enough to accommodate them was their Fellowship Hall.
The class asked permission to use the Fellowship Hall with the condition that they would start new small groups. Their plan is as follows:
- A Master Teacher will teach the lesson for 20-25 minutes.
- The class will be organized in small groups around tables, beginning with six in each group to have discussion of
the lesson. - Each table would have a discussion facilitator to lead discussion.
- Each table would have a Ministry leader to keep in contact with every member every week.
- Each table would be challenged to enroll their friends who are not in church.
- When table attendance reaches ten, they will automatically start another group with at least four at each table.
- The Class will have additional leaders including Prayer Leader (with a Prayer Leader for each table as well),
Service Leader to coordinate ministry projects outside of the Class, and an Administrative Leader to keep the Class organized and on track.
All of these suggestions came from class discussion with a commitment to reach out to their community, and building Community in their class.
This could be the beginning of a great new opportunity.
Kiely Young, Director of Sunday School, Mississippi Baptist Convention Board
Good ideas!