Assume that a teacher has spent at least five hours of lesson preparation and/or other class work or ministry each week. When added to the hour on Sunday morning, that would be an investment of six hours for 50 weeks, meaning that 300 hours have been invested by each teacher. Other class leaders may not have invested as many hours but their contributions add up as well over the course of each year.
May is a common month for recognizing the time, effort, and commitment of Sunday School teachers and workers. It is before summer and after several months invested in teaching, caring, and reaching together. It is always a good time to pause to express appreciation for those involved in our church ministries, and especially for Sunday School teachers and workers.
I have written about expressing appreciation previously:
- Sunday School Leader Appreciation Is a Must!
- Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Month: Is It May or October?
- Plan Your Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day
- Offer a Gift of Encouragement to Your Sunday School Teachers and Workers
- 25 Ways to Recognize Sunday School Workers, Part 1, 25 Ways to Recognize Sunday School Workers, Part 2, and 25 Ways to Recognize Sunday School Workers, Part 3
I want to make sure that I remind church leaders to recognize not only the teachers but others who have served faithfully in Sunday School through the year. Remember to express your appreciation to the pastor, minister of education, Sunday School director, and Sunday School secretary. Express appreciation to any age group leaders, department leaders, Sunday School greeters, or other general officers. Express appreciation to other class leaders such as outreach leaders, care group leaders, and class greeters.
Expressions of appreciation do not have to be expensive, but they should be well done. Inexpensive options include worship recognition, testimonies from class participants, certificates of recognition, and notes of appreciation. Additional options which do not cost the church budget can be asking class participants to express appreciation through giving teachers and workers gifts. Other options are well covered in the blog posts shared above: from appreciation banquets/meals with or without speakers to church gifts of book, mugs, and other expressions.
It is never too late to express appreciation. Make plans now to make your expression of appreciation special! Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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