The root of the word, “facilitate,” is to make easy. How does a disciple-maker make easy an encounter with God for the disciple? How does a Sunday School teacher make easy an encounter with God for the class? Consider these following:
Four Simple Steps to Facilitate an Encounter
Live out of an encounter. A disciple-maker or teacher must first have personal experience of meeting God in Bible study and prayer. The model will be poor if it is words with no action backing the words. When we meet God in Bible study and prayer, the result will be an outpouring of love for God, understanding of Him and His Word, and a desire to live out His expectations. This can’t be faked.
Guide toward an encounter. Many disciples and class members have no idea how to open God’s Word and meet Him there. They need a guide who has been there. They need us to explain how we do so, and they need us to show them how. Practicing together is ideal. Teach them to open God’s Word, listen, and respond.
Assign an encounter. While they are learning to make an encounter a natural part of daily life, give them homework. Ask them to practice between meetings various ways to open God’s Word and meet Him there. Ask them to pray. End times together in similar ways to make assignments. Remind them through text, email, or social media. Encourage their growth and obedience.
Report on an encounter. Share what happened during your own encounter. Then call for reports of what happened when they met God in Bible study and prayer. Without expectation of a report time, fewer will take assignments seriously. Remind them during the week that you are looking forward to hearing what happened when they encountered God. Remember occasionally to go first.
Don’t make it complicated to meet God in Bible study and prayer. Facilitate an encounter. Make it easy. If they can’t teach others to do the same, it is too complicated. Keep it simple. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Todd Trapani on Unsplash
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