When you are getting ready to teach, what role does prayer play in your preparation?
- First Stop—Some teachers pray only as they begin the preparation.
- Bookends—Some teachers begin with prayer and pray again as they finish.
- Flavoring—Consider letting prayer flavor the total preparation process.
Here are a few suggestions for allowing prayer to flavor the total process.
Read the Bible passage. Pray for understanding as you read the Bible passage. Write down at least one truth the Holy Spirit brought to your mind from the Scripture.
Examine you own life. Many curriculum guides will provide a suggested teaching aim. Prayerfully examine your own life in light of the teaching aim. What is God saying to you? What does He want you to do personally?
Consider your members. Reread the passage and teaching aim again. Then pray for each of your class members by name. Which one(s) did God impress upon you to pray for specifically? How could the Bible study impact those lives in the coming week?
Prepare a teaching plan. Finally, pray for God’s direction as you develop a plan that will be true to the Scripture and sensitive to the needs of members and guests.
Marie Clark is Team Leader of the Bible Teaching & Discipling Team for Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists.
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