This month on the Sunday School Leader blog, my peers and I (state Sunday School directors) are sharing a month-long emphasis focusing on five areas of Sunday School growth that have become known as Flake’s Formula: (1) know the possibilities, (2) enlarge the organization, (3) provide space and equipment, (4) enlist and train leaders, and (5) go after the people. There will be a different great post every day.
Check out these great posts:
- Arthur Flake’s Five-step Formula to Sunday School Growth
- Arthur Flake’s (biblical?) Formula
- Know the Possibilities
- Are you having trouble relating to your neighbors?
- Know Your People Group
I want to encourage you to sign up for the Sunday School Leader blog by subscribing with your email (on the right side of the blog page) so you won’t miss a single post this month!
Here are a few of the previous posts that I have written there:
- Increase the Impact of Your Sunday School Christmas Party
- Expanding Group Life in Sunday School
- Sunday School: Reach Out or Leak Out!
- More Than a Meeting: Obedience
- People Groups & Grading: Who Do You Want to Reach?
I have written here previously about Arthur Flake and Flake’s Formula. Check out these blog posts:
- Flake’s Formula for Sunday School Growth: Know the Possibilities
- Flake’s Formula for Sunday School Growth: Enlarge the Organization
- Flake’s Formula for Sunday School Growth: Provide Space and Equipment
- Flake’s Formula for Sunday School Growth: Enlist the Leaders
- Flake’s Formula for Sunday School Growth: Go aft er the People, Part A
- Flake’s Formula for Sunday School Growth: Go after the People, Part B
Make a fresh commitment to giving God your best effort through Sunday School. Allow mediocre Sunday School efforts to fade into the past. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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