The types of Sunday School classes you can start are only limited by your imagination. There are scores of classes that can be started on your church campus and scores that can be started off-site. (That’s already two types!) And what about age groups? You can start them for preschoolers, children, youth, and adults. (That’s another four types.) And when you add the day and time the class meets to the equation, the combination of place, date/time, and age group greatly multiplies the possibilities.
David Francis of LifeWay has written a great article entitled Ten ‘Excuses’ to Start New Classes, Part 1. The title made me stop and consider what he was saying. David said that “just about any excuse to start a new class is probably worth trying!” So let’s look for some excuses to start new classes. Let’s look for niches to fill. Let’s look for itches to scratch. Let’s look for needs to meet. Let’s consider groups to reach. Let’s find a reason to start new classes!
David lists five types of classes that can meet different needs/interests (excuses). David’s types of classes are listed in all capitals followed by my commentary. As you read through the list, consider which excuses would work for you in starting your next class:
A LIFE STAGE CLASS. David asked, “How about a class for Nearlyweds & Newlyweds? Parents of Preschoolers? Parents of Children? Parents of Teens? Empty Nesters?” How about a class for Pre-retirement? Retirement? Parents of special needs children? How about Newly Professional (school graduates)? Let your imagination run wild. Look around your community to see the life stages that are represented.
A ‘COUPLES WITHOUT KIDS’ CLASS. At Eastwood in Bowling Green, we started a M.A.N.K. (married adults no kids) class. It grew and lasted about three years until the majority had had children and left to join other classes. But starting the class allowed us to reach and minister to a group that needed and were attracted to the class.
A KJV CLASS. This class could appeal to those who have a strong preference for the King James Version. LifeWay has a curriculum series called Life Words that uses this Bible translation. Or how about a class for another those who prefer NIV or NASB? Again, look for reasons (excuses) to start new classes!
A ‘THROUGH THE BIBLE’ CLASS. Some have never read or studied all the way through God’s Word. Why not start a new class for this group. David points out that “LifeWay’s Explore the Bible series is perfect for such a class, covering all 66 books of the Bible from fall 2007 through summer 2015. The series balances studies from the Old and New Testaments and provides a balanced approach to the various types of biblical literature in each two-year ‘mini-cycle.'”
AN AFFINITY GROUP CLASS. Find out what people in your community like to do. Start a class for people who like to scrapbook, hunt, fish, run, etc. Start a class for those in specific lines of work: medical, accounting, fire, police, science, teaching, etc. This can help the teacher to narrow applications and illustrati ons in preparation for teaching.
For the complete text of David’s article, click the link above. Wow, this is a great list! But it is only the beginning! Pray. Look around and listen to your community. Make plans to start one of these five types of class. Enlist leaders. Begin inviting people to the classes! Launch well. Be revolutionary!
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