Our marching orders to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) are to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” This demands reaching new people, leading them to faith in Jesus, and helping them grow as His disciples. This series addresses reaching new people This is the ninth post in a series about twenty methods onĀ How Can I Grow My Sunday School Class Numerically?. The ninth method listed was this one:
Feature a different class in the worship service.
For many of our churches, Sunday School is the second step of the discipleship strategy following worship. Since many guests attend worship today before attending Sunday School, we must look for opportunities to hold up the values of Sunday School and to invite them. There are several opportunities in worship to do so: preaching about the importance of Bible study and small groups, sharing Sunday School testimonies, zone offense (class dividing the sanctuary into areas of inviting responsibility), and more.
One of those opportunities is featuring a different class in worship. There are many ways this can be done. Consider some of the following:
- Invite a different teacher to the pulpit monthly to answer some questions asked by the pastor. These would include specifically who the class is for, what they are studying, where they meet, and fellowships and projects they have planned. Send the teacher the question in advance, and keep the “interview” brief. This could be done at the beginning or end of a worship service.
- If you have the technology, video one or more teacher answering these questions. You could even include a brief clip of the class(es) in action.
- Highlight one or two different classes at the end of worship and have a table set up in the sanctuary foyer to meet the teacher(s) and sign up for the class.
- At the beginning of the Sunday School year along with the order of worship, share a list of all classes and a couple of sentences about each along with the age group and location of the class. This works best when connected to a sermon about the value of Sunday School or at least a testimony. A registration table could also be provided.
- At the end of the service, share a Sunday School testimony by a class member and invite people to register for the class at a table in the foyer.
- Feature a different age group of classes (preschool, children, youth, adult), and have teachers and registration available in the foyer at the end of the service.
- Highlight Sunday School in a different way every quarter during worship.
- Offer a way every week for people to sign up for a featured group through a guest registration card.
What else would you add to the list? Invite worship attenders to Sunday School. Don’t assume they know they are invited. Share about the values. Share about the variety of classes and age groups. Share the passion and life-impact. Vary the way you feature your classes. Keep the process simple. Offer registration on the spot. Grow your Sunday School. Be revolutionary!
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