Many things die for lack of attention. If you don’t water a plant, it dies. A high percentage of newborns die who are not touched. Cars which never have an oil change, lose their engines. Similarly, death has occurred in far too many Sunday Schools due to neglect. Are you seeing signs in yours?
What Does Neglect Look Like?
Consider these signs of Sunday School neglect (circle the ones that describe your Sunday School):
- no prayer for Sunday School
- lack of a leader, cheerleader, or planner for Sunday School
- no support from the pastor or staff
- lack of or poor attendance at planning meetings
- no vision, goals, or plans
- lack of or poor attendance at training sessions
- low or no invitations or ministry contacts are made or reported
- no guests, new members, or new Christians
- fewer classes than last year and no new classes
- no new teachers and fewer total teachers and workers
- no fellowships or projects are planned by classes
- little financial support
- poor preparation by teachers and members for the lesson.
Neglect of the Sunday School is seldom intentional. But when apathy and neglect are practiced long enough, they are challenging to change. Prayer and a fresh relationship with God are keys. Focus and leadership matters. It also helps to recognize the values of Sunday School. Consider some of those values:
- ongoing care by age group
- teaching and discipling using God’s Word
- ministry in time of need
- the community is invited, reached, and cared for
- leaders are enlisted, developed, and mobilized
- and much more.
Begin praying now. Ask others to join you in praying. Focus on one sign of neglect at a time–together. Fight neglect. Give Sunday School attention and leadership. Then, watch it recover from wilt and begin to grow and thrive. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Kristof Rasschaert on Unsplash
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