Think about your Sunday School. How often does a class forget to turn in attendance records? In most cases, there is almost 100% participation each week. Why is that? It is because of accountability. Someone almost always comes looking for the records or at least comes to get a head count.
Accountability can be a positive force for good Sunday School work. What do you expect from your adult class secretary? Is his/her job only to turn in a head count each week? Why not expect more? And if we expect more, we have to check on the expectations to see that they are being done.
LifeWay Christian Resources offers a whole list of job descriptions for Sunday School leaders in every age group in an article entitled Sunday School Leaders Job Descriptions. In that article, they say, “An adult class secretary provides vital support related to record keeping, reports, and other communications; ordering Bible study curriculum materials, supplies, and other resources; and coordinating the distribution of resources.” For the adult Sunday School class secretary, they list two responsibilities that need further elaboration: meet regularly with the team and process and maintain general records.
CONTRIBUTIONS. First, what can a class secretary contribute to a monthly class leadership team meeting?
- report on changing attendance patterns of individual class members;
- list of members/absentees needing additional contact and/or ministry;
- progress toward class attendance, enrollment, and contact goals;
- report on status of individuals on the class prospect list;
- attendance pattern versus space/chairs available;
- projected need for additional curriculum, chairs, or space; and
- need for additional care group leaders due to class growth.
RECORDS. Second, what can a class secretary contribute through processing and maintaining general records and compiling reports?
- receive weekly written reports of care group leaders about status of group members and prospects;
- assign prospects and new class members to care group leaders/maintain updated care group assignment lists;
- update individual member and prospect contact information (phone, address, e-mail) regularly; and
- share reports of class progress on goals with class and/or Sunday School director as requested by teacher or other class leaders.
What would you add to the list? I am not trying to overwhelm the secretary, but I am painting the picture of how essential and helpful this responsibility can be for the class. If you are a class secretary, add one of these tasks each month. Enlist class members to help with some of the tasks (there are often members with abilities we are not using). Ask God to help you be revolutionary with your responsibility!
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