In Rebuilding Your Sunday School Is Like Starting a New One, I shared 9 reasons why churches need to rebuild Sunday School post-pandemic:
- attenders dropped out
- teachers quit
- classes ended
- planning stopped
- goals declined
- training stopped
- outreach delclined
- care reduced
- and no new classes started.
I have started a Rebuilding Sunday School Post-Pandemic tour across Kentucky. I have invited our associational missions strategists to request these events. Sunday Schools in the churches are in various states of return: from not started to having met in person for months. These AMSs ask their churches to invite a Sunday School planning team of 3-4 people to a two-hour time of challenge, planning, and encouragement.
How Can We Rebuild Sunday School?
The bulleted list above is the common element for these churches who are in various states of Sunday School return. Over these last few months, I have heard between 5 and 67% of teachers are not returning. The most common percentage is 25%. Ouch!!! Almost no church is prepared for that reality.
I truly believe that recovery and the greatest days for Sunday School can potentially lie ahead as we navigate through the pandemic. But to do so will require prayer, teamwork, vision, planning, ownership, and focus in 3 key areas: new leaders, new groups, and new people. Let’s move forward! These tour events will launch your planning team to develop a strategy for taking steps in these areas.
Would you like to host a Rebuilding Sunday School Post-Pandemic event? Contact your AMS. Hosting is simple. I prefer for planning teams of 3-4 from each church to meet in a fellowship hall around tables, but the training can also work in a sanctuary. No refreshments are necessary. A short restroom break is provided in the middle. The event typically has been scheduled on weeknights, 6:30-8:30 PM or Saturday, 9:00-11:00 AM. There is no cost for the event.
If you have questions, leave a reply below this post. Let’s rebuild Sunday School! Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash
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