As our churches rebuild after the pandemic, it is vital to focus on care for each other and care for the community. That is why this survey about Sunday School care is important. But our Lord has something important to say about care:
“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34-14 (CSB)
Because this is so important, I am preparing to write a book about strengthening relationships and mobilizing care through the Sunday School to members, absentees, and those in the community. Would you help me with the book by responding to this survey?
As part of the book, I am seeking answers to 10 questions: 3 multiple choice, 3 rating, 2 sharing a story or illustration of care, and 2 demographics. There is a reward for completing the survey (besides satisfaction of helping me with a book). I will share a digital copy of the 99-page book, 100 SMALL Sunday School Changes That Make a BIG Difference. The survey is anonymous unless you want to share your email with your stories or to get the book.
The illustrations and stories of care will be helpful in two important ways. First, they will remind me to write about methods for care: normal and creative. Second, some of the illustrations and stories will serve as examples in the book. If you give permission (by leaving your email), I would contact you to ask two simple questions: your first name and the city of the church. I realize some stories need to be anonymous, and if you don’t share your email, I still may include the story without a name and city.
Survey Link
I have already received a good number of responses to the survey, but I would like to have even more. Would you take 5 minutes to complete it? Here is where you can find it:
http://ow.ly/nIYP50Ohrb3 (survey has been closed)
If you are a pastor, associate pastor, or Sunday School director, would you share the survey with your teachers? It works well on PC as well as on the phone. If an individual is not good with technology, you could fill the survey out for them while talking to them.
Sharing the Survey Data
When I have collected the data from the survey and mentally processed it, I will also share it here as well as in my writing for the book. (To view the survey results, go to How Will You Respond to the Sunday School Care Survey Results?) I am already excited about what I will be sharing! Thanks in advance for completing the survey. And thanks for the work you are doing to care for the sheep that God has provided, in the church and in the community! Pray, care, and lead them to the Good Shepherd. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash
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