Training and planning meetings are essential for a growing, revolutionary Sunday School. Often a new pastor, Sunday School director, or minister of education realizes a need for regular evaluation and planning meetings. They begin with much energy and expectation. Attendance is high. But as time passes, less time and energy are invested in the meetings, and attendance begins to wane.
What can be done to improve attendance at these important meetings? Consider the following suggestions:
- pray for God’s leadership as you work with these workers and plan meetings;
- enlist workers with the expectation to attend these meetings–if individuals cannot make the meetings and serve, then don’t enlist them;
- work on a workers covenant together which includes the maximum number of meetings which can be missed–have workers sign it;
- age group leaders keep attendance at meetings of their workers–hold workers accountable about their attendance–remind them about the commitment they made when they signed the covenant;
- when you launch monthly meetings, choose the time when the most people can conveniently attend;
- start on time and finish on time;
- put a lot of energy into it;
- make it fun–have prizes, be creative, play team-building games, etc.;
- promote it regularly–not just when you launch the meetings;
- break into age groups for a portion of the meeting;
- enlist as many participants as possible to lead part of the meeting or age group meeting–their involvement ensures they will be present and frequently makes the meeting more enjoyable;
- bring in guest speakers;
- provide childcare;
- serve a light, quick meal before or after the meeting or at least refreshments during the meeting;
- provide an agenda in advance (Sunday before the meeting) so participants can see why the meeting is important;
- keep the agenda relevant and keep it moving;
- have the pastor announce the meeting and say that he looks forward to seeing them there;
- personal reminders by card/letter, phone, and/or e-mail;
- have workers report on progress toward goals in support of God-sized Sunday School goals at each meeting (goals like attendance, enrollment, contacts, prospects, apprenticing, etc.); and
- give workers assignments (such as reading books, chapters, articles, etc.), and debrief what they read at the meeting.
What are other ways you have used to bolster attendance at workers meetings? Press the comments button below to share your ideas. Print this blog entry and circle the ones you are currently using to keep up your attendance at planning meetings. Then look over the remaining suggestions. Which one will you add before your next meeting to improve attendance? Have high expectations. Give your meetings lots of energy. Make your meetings count. Be revolutionary!
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