Who’s Your One?
Intentionality – Look for opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your one.
It is YOUR Responsibility!
Someone else can do it better than I can! I just don’t have that gift! What if I mess it up? These excuses are symptomatic of a deeper spiritual issue – Fear and doubt. You are a child of God. You have been saved. You are someone that God can use. You have a testimony. You also have the Holy Spirit who will speak through you to draw someone to Christ with the power of the Gospel.
Someone else can do it better than I can! – The truth is some people ARE better at sharing the gospel than you. BUT, you are the one that God has placed in a position to share the gospel with your ONE. God has placed this individual on your heart. God has provided the opportunity and the relationship for them to hear the good news from you.
I just don’t have that gift! – Whether or not you have the spiritual gift of evangelism is irrelevant. What you do have is a testimony. God has saved you. He has changed you. Once you were a sinner that deserved death and Hell. But you accepted God’s merciful grace and you are born again. Your unique testimony may just be exactly what someone needs to hear.
What if I mess it up? – The process of communication teaches us the complexity of a conversation. One person has a thought, then calculates the words to say, then tells them to a friend. The other person hears the words, processes those words then hopefully understands what their friend just told them. Add the noises and distractions in your environment plus the fact that our body language may communicate something totally different from what our words might have meant.
HOWEVER, as complex as that is, we have something more. We have the Holy Spirit. God uses us to form words that the Spirit will use to communicate the truth of the Gospel. Jesus saves, not us. God is using us to share the gospel, but it is His Holy Spirit that leads someone to salvation. If we are obedient, how can you mess that up?
I am grateful that God has used me to share my story and God’s story with others. I have been privileged to see so many people pray to receive Christ. I have seen lives changed. I have seen the wonderful miracle of God’s grace and mercy transform a life for His glory.
Tell your story. No one else has a story like you do. It is a story only you can tell.
Pray, and then just do it!
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