Boomer & Senior Celebration events are fun, inspirational times of gathering together for worship, workshops, lunch, and entertainment. You will be challenged and encouraged. You will laugh, make new friends, learn new things, and establish new plans and practices. Invite your friends to join you for this year’s Celebration!
Boomers (born 1946-1964) and Seniors (born before 1946) are valuable members of churches and Sunday Schools. They have many life experiences, gifts, and abilities to share. They are generous in giving of time, energy, and resources and often have a strong commitment to God, the church, and each other. For many Boomers and Seniors, three words have great meaning: serving, caring for people, and relationships. Those words have influenced this year’s Boomer & Senior Celebration events.
When and Where
- Tuesday, April 25: First Baptist Church, Madisonville, KY (in person)
- Thursday, April 27: Porter Memorial Baptist Church, Lexington, KY (in person)
- Monday, June 5: Available for online viewing at your church or home
Schedule for Boomer & Senior Celebration
- 8:45 Registration/Light Breakfast sponsored by the Kentucky Baptist Foundation
- 9:30 Morning Worship Session
- 10:45 Workshops
- 11:45 Lunch
- 12:45 Workshops
- 2:00 Afternoon Entertainment Session
- 3:00 Dismiss
Theme Verse
Jesus in John 13:34-35, CSB (emphasis added): “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Who Will Enjoy This Event?
- Boomers (born 1946-1964)
- Seniors (born before 1946)
- Leaders of Boomers and Seniors
- Pastors
Worship and Entertainment Personalities
- Barry Jeffries, Lead Pastor, Crestwood Baptist Church, Crestwood
- Nuno Norberto, Worship & Media Pastor, Porter Memorial Baptist Church, Lexington (Lexington only)
- Austin Wilkerson, Kentucky Baptist Foundation
- Ma and Pa, John & Susan Tappan, retired First Baptist Church, Mount Washington, now living in GA
- and more.
- Setting Your House in Order. (description available soon)
- Fellowshipping and Serving Together. (description available soon)
- Connecting with Grandkids and Younger Generations. By understanding some generational differences, you will be better able to communicate and connect with your grandchildren whether they live near or far. Plan to use many practical ideas.
- Healthy Body, Mind, and Emotions. Body, mind, and emotions are connected. Establish simple practices that lead to increased holistic health.
- Finding Scripture in Psalms, Hymns, Spiritual Songs + Golden Choirs. Examine God’s Word and the hymnbook to discover strong statements of faith. Sing scripture songs. Also, take simple steps to gather a group of seniors for a praise team or choir.
- Bible Study: 1 John. Discover the themes of 1 John, such as love and fellowship with God. Recognize opportunities in life today to apply truth from this great book in practical daily ways.
Register Now
- Register your group at kybaptist.org/celebration
- Cost:
- Live event (includes program and lunch): $20 per person by April 17; $25 after April 17
- Digital event pass: $10 per person (may be viewed as a group or solo anytime June 5 or after)
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
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