The fellowship leader, like the prayer leader, is part of the class leadership team for a larger class. In a medium class, these duties will typically be carried out by the members of the class team: teacher, apprentice teacher, outreach leader, member care leader, secretary, and greeters. In a small class, even the roles of the six team members will be shared. Check out Important Sunday School Leader Job Descriptions for a list of job descriptions.
Relationships are key to effective Sunday School work, and those relationships extend within and beyond the class. That is why this team member relates especially closely with the outreach leader and the member care leader. What can the class fellowship leader do to strengthen class relationships?
- Plan. The fellowship leader will pray and plan with the leadership team and the class. Keep in mind that input from members will produce ownership of and interest in the plans. Annual planning includes fellowships, projects, as well as class, church, and community activities to strengthen relationships with members and with prospects. Offer a variety of fellowships (socials) and projects (work/ministry), and calendar these events.
- Communicate. Fellowships and projects will be failures if not communicated in multiple ways with members and prospects. When members, including absentees, are involved in inviting each other and prospects, the result will also strengthen relationships. Communication also includes involvement in (more than attendance at) the fellowships and projects planned.
- Conduct. Carry out events with excellence focused on relationships. Have fun. Listen. Work together. Get to know different people, especially guests. Enjoyment will be multiplied when you involve as many people as possible–members and prospects. Arrive early and make everyone welcome.
- Evaluate. After every fellowship, project, and activity, gather a team to debrief the experience. How did it go? What was a great success? What can be done better next time? Seek input from the class and be willing to adjust accordingly.
Planning a fellowship, project, or activity every 4-6 weeks ensures that absentees can reconnect and prospects can add connections. Relationships matter. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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