In preschool and children’s classes, typically one of the teachers serves as the greeter. They meet children at the door and move them into planned lesson activities. When guests arrive, they welcome children and their parents and seek contact information.
In youth and adult classes, members are asked to serve as class greeters. Ideally, each class has at least two–in case one is absent. The greeters’ duties are the following:
- WELCOME. A greeter welcomes every member and guest. He/she wants to get to know people. He/she stands at the door or roams the room. Conversation with members is brief but caring. The greeter has fresh breath, a warm smile, and a firm (but not too crushing) handshake. He/she listens well and pronounces names correctly. The greeter invites the guest to be added to the class fellowship-ministry-prayer list (class roll).
- REGISTER. The greeter collects guest contact information unless the church welcome center brought the guest with a completed registration card. Ideally, the class wears name tags, and asks the guest to complete a name tag. This helps him/her and the class to learn names and use names in conversation.
- ASSIST. Having helped the guest complete a registration card and name tag, the greeter introduces the guest to the teacher and other members, calling the guest by name. During the time for announcements and prayer, the greeter introduces the guest to the class (without embarrassment). During class, he/she sits with the guest and shares his/her Bible (if needed) and curriculum (even if that means offering the greeter’s copy). If the guest came with a friend to class, the greeter skips the next duty, allowing the guest’s friend to GUIDE.
- GUIDE. At class end, the greeter enables additional quick introductions to members. Then he/she assists the guest in finding children and restrooms (if needed) along with the sanctuary. (This time together enables continuation of the relationship begun in Sunday School.) Before worship, he/she introduces the guest to others. At worship end, the greeter expresses enjoyment in having been together in Sunday School and worship and assists the guest in locating children, restrooms, and his/her car as needed. Asking if the guest has any questions and introducing the guest to the pastor, may also be helpful.
- FOLLOW UP. The final duty is to secure the guest’s phone number from the registration card to make a brief call within 72 hours. During the conversation (1) thank the guest for attending, (2) share information about an upcoming class fellowship/project or next week’s lesson, (3) answer any additional questions, (4) ask for prayer requests, and (5) pray together. The greeter ensures the guest is added to the class prospect list if the guest did not enroll that day. Writing down additional information discovered in conversation will be helpful as the class makes additional caring contacts in the weeks to come.
Care enough to enlist and train greeters. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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