Like the prayer leader and fellowship leader, the service leader is part of the class leadership team for a larger class. In a medium class, the class team (teacher, apprentice , outreach , member care , secretary, and greeters) will typically carry out these duties. In a small class, the six team members will share these duties. Check out Important Sunday School Leader Job Descriptions for a list of job descriptions.
Service is a natural expression of growing and learning as a disciple. When we open the Bible, we encounter God in His Word, As a result of meeting God, we recognize the need to adjust our lives to Him and to His plans. Every encounter with Him enables us actively to care for Him, each other (John 13:34-35), our neighbor (Mark 12:31), and all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). What does a class service leader do?
- Prayerfully look for opportunities to serve the community, state, nation, and world
- Get to know class members’ spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personalities, and experiences in order to involve every member in the individual and class serving roles that fit best
- Gather a class team to evaluate and plan serving opportunities and projects
- Communicate and encourage opportunities for individuals and for the class to serve
- Set a goal for every member to serve in the church and for the class to serve the state, nation, and world annually
- Look for opportunities to share Christ while serving
- Celebrate serving by sharing pictures and stories about individual and class serving projects.
Want your class to grow as disciples? Lead them to respond in obedience to God in His Word. Lead them to serve others. Love them to Him! Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash
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