A job description for a class Friend Care Leader is essential for encouragement and effectiveness. Leadership of efforts to reach out to friends, relatives, associates and neighbors (FRANs) is essential to class health and growth. I offer a suggested job description and encourage customization. What are critical duties of a class Friend Care Leader? Consider the following:
The Friend Care Leader Leads the Group to…
- Pray: pray for the class people group assignment; for lost and unenrolled FRANs; and for class actions to identify, care for, and reach lost and unenrolled people.
- Develop a friend care list: ask for names and contact information of FRANs in your people group assignment who are lost or not enrolled in a group. Make a plan to pray for and contact FRANs 2-4 times monthly. Update the contact list regularly.
- Plan and invite FRANs to class events: Plan a fellowship, a meal, and a project every quarter. Make events fun and easy to get acquainted with FRANs. Before events end, invite everyone to Bible study.
- Make consistent caring contacts with FRANs: Contact (call/visit/text/email) FRANs weekly; follow up on previous prayer requests; share class plans for lessons and events. Ask how you can pray for the prospect and his/her family; pray together; and report nonconfidential requests.
- Enlist class greeters to ensure positive first impressions: Welcome members and guests, register guests, and encourage name tag use. Sit with and introduce guests, and follow up with them.
- Invite FRANs and guests to enroll: Ask them if you can add them to the class prayer, care, and party list. Set a God-sized goal for new class members.
- Offer testimony practice: Lead members to write out their testimonies (life before Christ, how I met Christ, life since Christ). Share it in pairs; share it with family; and then share it with FRANs and along life’s path.
This valuable class care team member leads the class to point outward. The class Friend Care Leader is a cheerleader for prayer and care focused on lost and unenrolled FRANs. Without new members, every class dies. This team member cannot be successful alone; class involvement is vital. Reach out with care. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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