When Sunday School leaders have job descriptions, they will tend to understand their job, expectations, and how to complete assignments successfully. Without a job description, a class secretary will tend to do what he/she has seen done previously or what was explained when enlisted. The task is important so enlist with a job description.
RESPONSIBILITIES. He or she is more than simply a counter of people present. Consider the following responsibilities for the class secretary:
- maintain class records and prepare reports including enrollment, contact information, attendance, prospect contact information, and prospect contact results (detailed below);
- track progress toward class goals;
- request and disburse curriculum, resources, and supplies;
- serve as a part of the class leadership team (detailed below); and
- train an apprentice class secretary to cover for absences and prepare for another class start.
CONTRIBUTIONS. What can a class secretary contribute through maintaining class records and preparing reports?
- track member attendance and any change;
- receive weekly written reports of care group leaders about status of group members and prospects;
- assign prospects and new class members to care group leaders/maintain updated care group assignment lists;
- update individual member and prospect contact information (phone, address, e-mail) regularly; and
- share reports of class progress on goals with class and/or Sunday School director as requested by teacher or other class leaders.
MEETINGS. How can a class secretary contribute to monthly class leadership team meetings?
- report on changing attendance patterns of individual class members;
- list of members/absentees needing additional contact and/or ministry gathered from care group leader and member reports;
- progress toward class attendance, enrollment, and contact goals;
- report on status of individuals on the class prospect list;
- attendance pattern versus space/chairs available;
- projected need for additional curriculum, chairs, or space; and
- need for additional care group leaders due to class growth.
This valuable team member can help the class maintain care for members at a high level while assisting the class to reach out to prospects. Keep good records. Care for members and prospects. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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