Have you ever had a job with very informal duties and no written job description? It can be difficult to know when you have done a good job. We all need encouragement to do our best. God deserves nothing less. Job descriptions can help us to stay focused on our purpose, on what is important, and on a balanced approach to all the tasks necessary to accomplish a job effectively.
LifeWay has a webpage devoted to job descriptions for Sunday School leaders. These cover all the age groups as well as general leaders. They include job descriptions for teachers, secretaries, department directors, Sunday School directors, adult class leaders, and others. Check them out.
I would encourage you to use or adapt what is offered there. I would also encourage you to add to every leader’s job description two responsibilities: (1) to apprentice another leader and (2) to coach those in his or her care toward accomplishing great things for the Kingdom. Revolutionary Sunday School is constantly preparing for and anticipating the need for additional classes and leaders and cannot afford to have leaders and members going in opposite directions.
Every teacher should be apprenticing another teacher and coaching the class toward great Kingdom work. Every secretary should be apprenticing another secretary and coaching the class toward effectiveness in response to what the records have to say. Every outreach leader should do the same. Every department director should be coaching his or her assigned teachers toward effective Sunday School work, and every department director should be apprenticing another department director.
Think about how much more effective our Sunday School work could be for the Kingdom if new leaders were being apprenticed every year and every leader was coaching those in his or her care toward Kingdom greatness! Do you have an example to share? Press the comments button below and leave your thoughts with those who follow.
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