My peers are Southern Baptist state convention missionaries responsible for Sunday School and small group work with leaders, churches, and associations around the nation. This group of 42 people has recognized that there can be great strength in working on a blog about Sunday School and small groups together. My friends have great passion for, experience with, and knowledge of Sunday School and small groups.
Personally, I am looking forward to hearing from them about an important ministry areas in our churches today. I look forward to hearing their stories and testimonies. I also look forward to starting conversations with Sunday School leaders all over the nation and world. That is one of the values of a blog.
The blog, Sunday School Leader, launched today. If you are a teacher, leader, facilitator, director, or minister of education, or pastor, you are part of the Sunday School movement. Nationwide, there are more than 400,000 Southern Baptist Bible study leaders! This blog has the potential to be a helpful place to network with others, learn new things, be encouraged, and sharpen your talents.
Check out Sunday School Leader. The month of August will roll out a month-long emphasis on great expectations for Sunday School. David Francis of LifeWay Christian Resources, the author of Great Expectations, has written a blog post launching the August series. There will be daily installments of Great Expectations blog posts all month long. Check back frequently or sign up to get updates by email.
I plan to continue working on this blog, The Sunday School Revolutionary!, but I will also be a regular contributor to the Sunday School Leader. I have prewritten the posts for August 4 and 13. There is such a great need for electronic Sunday School and small group help and conversation today. Sunday School leaders are hungry. God is at work. This is an exciting day. I look forward to seeing what is getting ready to happen in Sunday School, our churches, and world. Be revolutionary!
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