I have just completed my first version of an online Sunday School Practices survey (now closed), and I would like to ask for your help in enlisting leaders to complete it. It is designed for Sunday School teachers, directors, pastors/staff, other Sunday School leaders, and even members. Would you ask your Sunday School leadership to complete it? The survey is open to anyone involved in Sunday School in any church around the world.
This survey has the potential not only to be able help me to understand what is happening in Sunday School, but it can also help you. In a few weeks when I have received enough participation, I will begin to sift through the responses. And as I discover relevant tidbits, I will share the results here in one or more blog posts. I am hoping for at least 200 survey participants, and I will need your help in enlisting others to achieve that number.
The survey with 37 multiple-choice questions should take only 7-10 minutes of your time. All responses will be anonymous. Along with a few demographics questions, the survey focuses on the participant’s best understanding of what is happening in his/her Sunday School. At the end of the survey, you will be redirected back here. If you have any trouble understanding or completing the survey, please let me know by leaving a comment here.
Thanks, in advance, for those who took time to complete the survey. I look forward to what we will learn together. Be revolutionary!
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