A few years ago, I put together six weeks of evangelism training for a seven people. Each week was similar in these ways: Taught content. Led them to practice. Gave them assignments.
In addition to reading and written assignments, I gave each of them the following assignments:
- WEEK ONE: Gave each of them the name of a lost teenager for whom to pray daily.
- WEEK TWO: Gave them a postcard with the name/address of the teenager for whom they had prayed. Asked them to write a card to the teen for me to mail for them the next day. Continued praying daily.
- WEEK THREE: Gave them the telephone number for the teenager for whom they prayed. Asked them to call the teen, introduce themselves, request prayer requests, and pray with the teen. Continued praying daily.
- WEEK FOUR: Gave them the address of the same teen. Ask them to make a home visit to share Jesus (what they had been learning and practicing). Continued praying daily.
- WEEK SIX: Called for reports of their visits. (By the way, every teen accepted Jesus by summer’s end!)
Can you see the progression of introduction to the teen and the knowledge increase related to sharing Jesus? How could you do something similar in your Sunday School class? Our communities are full of people who need Jesus and who could benefit from Sunday School. But if we never invite them, many will never come and may never know Jesus.
Allow me to suggest a plan:
- MONTH ONE: Give them a prayer card to write the names of three lost people. Ask them to pray for lost people they know by name. God will be sensitizing hearts.
- MONTH TWO: Ask them to list lost people they know, sharing as much contact information as they have for friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors who would be in the people group assignment for the class.
- MONTH THREE: First week, take five minutes for every person to write out their salvation testimony: What life was like before Christ. How I met Christ. What difference He makes in my life today. Weeks 2 and 3, give pairs 2-3 minutes to share their written testimony. Fourth week, ask pairs to share their testimony without notes in 2 minutes.
- MONTH FOUR: First week, ask them to share their testimony with a family member (not in class) as practice. Weeks 2-4, ask them to share their testimony with the 3 lost people on their prayer card.
How would you improve my plan for your class? Press Comments and share your ideas. If you don’t like my plan, what is your plan? Jesus commanded your class as you are going to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20). Not going is not an option. Not sharing is disobedience. Teach them to go, share Jesus, and invite. If you don’t lead, they won’t go. Set the example. Help them to take steps. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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