If you are looking for a Sunday School curriculum that is intentionally focused on urban/multicultural believers, then LifeWay’s new YOU curriculum is for you! It is a good looking, colorful, easy-to-use curriculum. And, like all LifeWay materials, it is biblically trustworthy.
But the main reason I mention YOU is because of the curriculum’s strategy. It is designed to help believers stay spiritual fit, balanced in four biblical concepts: Connect, Grow, Serve, and Go. Allow me to share what you will find on LifeWay’s website about YOU:
We talk a lot of the importance of staying physically fit, but what about the health of our spirits? Connect, Grow, Serve, Go is a call to evaluate your present spiritual condition and discover ways to improve your spiritual health. Packed into each biblical concept—Connect, Grow, Serve, Go—is a simple way you can move forward, not remain stagnant. Best of all, these tools will stand the test of time—no “fad” diets here. They will help you become spiritually healthy, and stay that way.
- CONNECT urges you to worship, pray, fellowship, and relate to others in positive relationships at work, in the home, and in other settings. Spiritual fitness results when you connect with God, with others, and with your church family.
- GROW refers to learning and understanding more about God and His expectations of His people, which comes through Bible study. You grow by applying that knowledge to your everyday living.
- SERVE describes the work you do inside your church. Your church is full of ministry and service opportunities. You serve by using your spiritual gifts, skills, and passions to glorify God. All of us must work together for the church to function as God intended.
- GO moves you outside the church and into the community and the world. Evangelism and missions are ways to go into your community and the world in the name of Jesus Christ. It might be uncomfortable at first, but you will experience first-hand the difference Christ can make through you.
Those four biblical concepts would make a great Sunday School strategy, don’t you think? If you are looking for a great urban/multicultural curriculum, I recommend YOU. If you are looking for biblical concepts for your Sunday School, I recommend the four above which are the strategy for YOU. Is your Sunday School connecting, growing, serving, and going? On which of these does your Sunday School need the most work? What can you do to begin to address that biblical concept? Pray. Plan. Act. Adjust. Be revolutionary!
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