Effective Sunday School demands caring contact. Ideal contact will be spontaneous–out of relationship rather than duty. But life is busy and distracting. The good we know we should do, we don’t always do.
Caring contacts don’t have to be time-consuming. Care that is timely and genuine matters. That is why contact that is more personal is often more appreciated.
Daily Caring Contact
What are some practical ways to add caring contact to your daily schedule? Consider these ideas:
- keep a list of class members and their contact information handy (cell phone contacts today work for many people)
- add 2-3 names of class members or prospects to your calendar or to do list daily for prayer and contact (repeat schedule)
- before you text, email, or send mail, pray for the individual and then let them know that you did
- when you call or visit, ask for prayer requests and pray with the person
- plan caring contacts during your breaks, lunch, or transitions –if needed, set an alarm to remind you
- celebrate with members or prospects on their special days (birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, etc.)
- follow up on all prayer requests–schedule it
- where possible, be with people when they are going through trying times (grief, medical procedures or diagnoses, job loss, etc.)
- share meaningful scripture verses and words of encouragement
- be fully present and listen well
What would you add to this list? What have you found to be effective in making caring contacts? Don’t hog all the fun. Share it. Ask others to help in making contact. Watch relationships deepen as they do! Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Simone Dalmeri on Unsplash
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