What is a Friend Care List? In the past, we called it a “prospect” list. By prospect, we meant a potential member of our group. We encouraged group members to pursue prospects by getting to know them, pray for them, care for them, and invite them to Bible study, fellowships, projects, meals, and Jesus.
Over the last few years, I have grown sensitive to the use of the traditional Sunday School term, “prospect.” I believe it focuses more on what prospects can do for our groups rather than the opportunities we have to care for prospects. As a result, I propose a terminology change: from prospect to friend. Friend is great relational word.
I fear that the term, “prospect,” led to a mindset that we only need to care for potential members for our group. Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely believe in what God can do through a group who regularly gathers to meet God in Bible study, cares for one another, and lives obediently as disciple-makers in the world. But there are many people for whom we need to provide care who will never join our groups.
Friend Care List
I also propose changing from “prospect list” to friend care list. The focus of the list is to help our groups to provide care for our friends. Warning: changing the name of the list will not change the focus for our groups. Leading the change of mindset will require your leadership. Consider these words of Jesus:
I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
John 13:34-35, CSB
Our groups are places to train us to love one another. His love is new, unique, and attractive. When we learn to love one another, His love pours forth from our lives into the world. Everyone will be able to see that we are His disciples.
When we care for friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors with His love, some will come to know Jesus. Some will desire to come to our events. Some will join us for Bible study. But even if they do not come to Jesus, our events, or Bible study, they deserve to experience His love in us.
Practicing His love with each other changes everything. Our love becomes Spirit-led and fruit-filled: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (Ephesians 22-23). We love God, our neighbor, and ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). And as we are going through life, we are able to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19)…because they can tell we are His disciples.
If you don’t have a Friend Care List, start one. Week 1: ask your group to pray FRANs. Week 2: ask for names of friends plus contact information (phone, email, address). Week 3: ask for names of relatives plus contact information. Week 4: ask for names of associates (these are everyone that is not a friend, relative, or neighbor–people at work, school, play, and in the marketplace). Week 5: ask for names of neighbors. If you mash this challenge into one week, my experience tells me that you will only get 1-2 names per attender. Then, gather the list and begin to pray and care for those on the list like Jesus would. Watch what happens!
Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash
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