Do you remember the six point record system? This was usually printed on the offering envelope and collected during Sunday School. There were six measures of discipleship listed on the envelope: Sunday School attendance, Bible brought, lesson studied, giving, worship attendance, and Bible read daily. I have also seen envelopes that substituted “on time” for one of the Bible measures.
I am sure you have heard the leadership saying, “What gets measured, gets done.” I would adjust the saying to be stated this way: “What gets emphasized and measured, gets done.” When we consistently explain why actions and measurement are important, we are more likely to get results.
What are some discipleship measures for Sunday School? How can we assess the spiritual progress and growth of the sheep in our care? Allow me to share a few areas which can be emphasized and measured:
- attendance frequency (for instance, moving from two to three weeks per month)
- number of times in attendance per quarter (seeking increase)
- number of days with a quiet time (seeking increase to five or more)
- caring contacts with members (seeking contacts as a class equal to enrollment per week)
- caring contacts with prospects (seeking contacts as a class equal to enrollment per week)
- serving in some way in the class, church, or community (increased number of individuals in the class this year)
- class members/leaders attending training (more people training this year)
- guests in attendance (increased number of individuals each quarter)
- new members enrolled (progress toward a group goal set at the start of the new Sunday School year)
- testimonies of obedience (what happened when they lived out the truth of last week’s lesson)
- spiritual conversations (number of times class members talked with someone about the Bible or Jesus this week)
- guests attending class fellowships, projects, meals, or group time (seeking increase)
- leaders and members sent out to teach in other classes (goal of 25%)
- leaders and members sent out to start new classes (goal of 25%).
What other measures of discipleship would you add to the list? How would you emphasize them and measure them? Do you disagree with any on my list? Or would you make changes to some of them?
I want to challenge you to do more than measure attendance. Faithfulness is important, but emphasizing and measuring more can help your group take steps toward spiritual growth and progress. Pray. Talk about options together. (This will create ownership.) Choose where and when to start. Launch it. Measure it. Remind. Celebrate. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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