In Parts 1-3, I shared statements 1-15 of an article entitled How Do We Measure Up? A Tool to Assess Present Strengths and New Opportunities. The tool contains twenty statements. Because of length, I chose to break consideration of the statements into four parts. I won’t repeat the previous statements here, but I encourage you to press these link to review them: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
In Part 4, I will share the final five statements of the twenty. Think about and evaluate your Sunday School. The article’s statements are in all capitals followed by my commentary. Measure your strengths and opportunities by assigning each statement one of the following responses suggested in the article: (1) we’re doing this WELL; (2) we could do this BETTER; or (3) we COULD do this:
- WE SEEK OPPORTUNITIES TO ENHANCE FAITH GROWTH AND COMMUNITY NURTURE THROUGH SPECIAL EVENTS AND PROJECTS. Are special spiritual development events planned by the church and/or by classes? Is the community surrounding the church invited? These might include January Bible Study, revival, parenting skills workshops, Walk thru the Bible seminars, and much more. What are you doing to grow your teachers, workers, members, and guests through opportunities beyond Sunday School and worship? Rate this statement: (1) Well (2) Better (3) Could.
- OUR FACILITY IS CLEAN, SAFE AND INVITING. First impressions are important! Enlist one or more guests to walk around your facility to assess how inviting all of it is. For a good set of adult space assessment questions, check out Conduct an Adult & Student Sunday School Space Walk. Contact me if you would like assessment questions for preschool/children’s space. A general set of assessment questions can be found by considering General Sunday School Space Issues: Welcoming Guests. Rate this statement: (1) Well (2) Better (3) Could.
- WE MAKE INTENTIONAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN WHAT HAPPENS IN SUNDAY SCHOOL WITH WORSHIP AND OTHER AREAS OF CONGREGATIONAL LIFE.Sunday School should advance the work of the Kingdom and the church. That means that it will support and undergird worship and other ministries of the church by encouraging attenders to participate in appropriate activities. This begins with teachers and Sunday School leaders receiving regular communication about church plans and activities. Rate this statement: (1) Well (2) Better (3) Could.
- SUNDAY SCHOOL IS PLANNED WITH CLEAR COORDINATION WITH OTHER LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES SUCH AS MIDWEEK MINISTRY, NEW MEMBER CLASSES, SMALL GROUP MINISTRY, AND OTHER BIBLE STUDIES. Because Sunday School desires to enhance faith growth and community nurture and because Sunday School makes intentional connections with worship and other church areas, Sunday School encourages involvement in midweek ministries, new member classes, small groups, and other Bible studies, such as those offered by the women’s ministry. This may include lesson coordination with a “40 Days” campaign” or simply announcements or a class decis ion to attend opportunities together. Rate this statement: (1) Well (2) Better (3) Could.
- OUR PASTORAL STAFF IS ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN LEARNING MINISTRIES. The pastor and church s taff are perpetual learners and are involved in Sunday School and/or small groups. When promoting involvement in Sunday School, nothing compares to the pastor/staff saying they believe it is so important that they also participate. Their presence and testimonies will speak loudly. Their participation in Sunday School teacher/leader training will also affirm those who invest so much time weekly in Sunday School. Rate this statement: (1) Well (2) Better (3) Could.
How did you rate these five statements? Are you doing well on one or more? Could you do better on one or more? Is there one or more statement which you COULD do? Gather a leadership team to pray about and begin to address any BETTER or COULD statements. In the previous three parts of this series (see links above) were fifteen other statements. Don’t get overwhelmed. Focus on the one that is most important. Look for opportunity to strengthen your Sunday School. Get started. Be revolutionary.
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