This eight-part series is focused on “more.” Sunday School becomes ineffective without any of these pillars and cannot grow without doing more in each of these pillars. The first is more purpose. What are the other seven pillars?
- more teamwork,
- more planning,
- more trained leaders,
- more groups,
- more member and prospect care,
- more new members, and
- more disciple-making.
Will you commit to more of these eight pillars this year?
More Purpose
Part 1 of this series will focus on the pillar of purpose. What is the purpose or mission of Sunday School? What is Sunday School designed and built to help the church accomplish?
Too many Sunday Schools have neglected, oversimplified, and gutted the purpose of Sunday School. Effective (revolutionary) Sunday School must get back to the purpose of helping the church accomplish the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).
That purpose or mission is God-sized. We cannot accomplish it without Him or without each other. If we are not intentionally working together, then we are not pursuing the Great Co-mission (see pillar two). Working together requires knowing where we are and where He desires us to go/what He desires us to accomplish. To do so requires prayer and planning (see pillar three). I will address more on that in the next two posts.
More purpose for Sunday School will require more evangelism and disciple-making (see pillars seven and eight). More purpose will require more care for members and prospects (see pillar six). And doing so will require more leaders and more groups (see pillars four and five). Consider the following as an example:
Through Sunday School, mobilize care for and teach members and prospects to know and follow Jesus.
Sample of a mission statement for more purpose
What are you doing to bring more purpose to your Sunday School or group this year? Does your purpose need to be enlarged? How does it need to become God-sized? How can you build ownership so it can be pursued together? Pray and begin to share your vision for the need for more purpose. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Jordan Madrid on Unsplash
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