It would seem logical that everyone in a local church would want their church to grow! Jesus told us in Matt 16:18 that he “would build His church.” If that assumption is true, then we as leaders in the local church should be willing to do whatever we need to do to position our church in such a place where we help Jesus “build His church.”
One way that we can do that is to make regular plans to start new teaching units. You have read in previous days of this blog, all of the elements that make this happen. One question that you might ask is “how can we multiply our resources?” Our churches are always looking for more leaders, more money for the budget, and so on. How can we take what we have and not only make the most of these valuable resources, but how can they be multiplied?
There is a simple Sunday School principle that reveals when you start a new unit, you will multiply your resources. How does that work? If you start a new unit it is a common observation that your attendance will increase by 10 people. Those 10 people are new resources. Some will become leaders, most will begin to give to the offerings of the church and thus the giving and budget needs will be multiplied. The book, “Extreme Sunday School Challenge” by David Francis and Bruce Raley has more information on this principle and it gives a more detailed explanation in the appendix about how this principle works.
It does cost the church a little bit to begin a new unit (as you supply the leaders and participants with materials) but as you can see, this expenditure will be multiplied in the future by the new people that are reached as they become spiritually and relationally connected to the life of the church.
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