Are you a teacher or member of a Sunday School class or Bible study group? Are you a pastor or Sunday School director? Would you like to reach, care for, and disciple new people? New leaders and groups can help us carry out our Lord’s work to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
New Leaders
One of the best ways for existing groups to reach new people is to add new leaders to your group’s care team. With a span of care of at least 1 leader for every 5 adults enrolled, groups are more likely to care well for members, have fewer people drop out, and reach new people. When care team members mobilize members to care for members, everyone will know we are Jesus’ disciples (John 13:35). When we practice His love with each other, that care becomes contagious and impacts FRANS: friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors. Check out chapters 4 and 5 of my book, Caring: Caring for Members and Friends in Sunday School and Bible Study Groups.
New Groups
One of the best ways for Sunday School to reach new people is to start new groups. Each new group tends to grow to 10-12 in attendance and 20-25 in enrollment within 12-18 months. New people tend to become interested in Sunday School because of spiritual needs and the invitations of friends. On average, new people tend to prefer new groups so they don’t have to break into established relationships. Members of new groups will tend to invite more FRANs, some of which will be lost people. And 50-100% of the lost who are in our classes for a year will accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Pray for God sized goals for reaching new people in your existing groups, new leaders to add care in those groups, and new groups adding new leaders providing care and invitations for new people. +One is a challenge extended to every group and every Sunday School to add one: new person, new leader, and new group.
What if every class/group in your Sunday School added one new person every quarter AND added one new leader every year? What if your Sunday School/Bible study ministry added a new class/group every year/quarter/month? Imagine the blessings of the Lord as we pursue the goal of making disciples of all nations.
Where do you need to start? Gather a group to pray with you. Lead your classes/groups to pray, observe where God is at work in people’s lives, ask people to help, and invite them to join you in the work. Mobilize these new leaders in existing classes/groups and in new groups. Make disciples. Be revolutionary.
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