This series focuses on “more.” Sunday School becomes ineffective without these pillars and cannot grow without doing more in each pillar. The pillars include more purpose, teamwork, planning, trained leaders, groups, member and prospect care, new members, and disciple-making. Will you commit to more of these eight pillars this year?
New Members
One bottom-line statistic for Sunday School growth is enrollment. If your enrollment (class or Sunday School as a whole) does not increase, your Sunday School cannot grow. For enrollment to grow, that means adding more members to the list. There are many potential sources for new people for classes:
- church members not enrolled in Sunday School
- friends
- relatives (spouse, children, parents, siblings, etc.)
- workmates or schoolmates
- marketplace acquaintances
- neighbors.
In general, it is best to ask adults for permission to add them to your enrollment. An encouraging way to do so is to ask:
May I add you to our class care, prayer, and party list?
Enrollment question
This question can be asked of guests in Sunday School or worship. It can be asked of new people in the community. It can be asked of people going through times of stress.
Provide Care
When people agree to be added to your list, they have given you permission to care for them. So remember to contact them regularly (ideally weekly). Remember to pray for them and invite them to your class fellowships, projects, and meals.
When you make contacts with them, do so consistently with care. When making the visit or call, include following up on previous prayer requests; sharing about upcoming lessons or class activities; asking for prayer requests; and praying together.
Class goals for new members can be motivational, but pursuing new members must never be done disconnected from genuine care. Care should be more for the person than for their attendance. Guilt should never occur as a result of a contact.
Pray. Contact. Care. Invite to enroll. Then care some more. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Taylor Grote on Unsplash
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