In Part 1, I mentioned that my friend, Steve Parr who is the vice-president for Sunday School and Evangelism for the Georgia Baptist Convention, has recently edited a great new Sunday School book. It is entitled KEY Strategies for Healthy Sunday Schools. I highly recommend that you purchase the book. It can be purchased for $15.00 from the Georgia Baptist Convention, Attn. Steve Parr, 6405 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Duluth, GA 30097.
Each of the book’s nine chapters were written by nine Sunday School experts. In this three-part series, I want to share the book’s nine key strategies. The commentary will be my own and not necessarily reflect the book. In Part 1, I shared the book’s first three strategies. In Part 2, I will share the next three strategies in all capitals followed by my commentary:
CONTACTS ARE MADE WITH CONSISTENCY. A healthy Sunday School works hard to care for members. It is important that the back door is closed. For this to happen, communication must occur weekly with regulars, absentees, and even prospects. Care group leaders, outreach leaders, and even class greeters can be important pieces of this strategy. Increasing contacts tends to increase attendance.
LEADERS ARE TRAINED FOR EFFECTIVENESS.Teachers and other Sunday School leaders should be perpetual learners. When we stop learning, we stop teaching. There is always more we can learn about the teaching-learning process, people. the Bible, and more. Some of the best training is apprenticing–helping a new teacher learn how to do all of the responsibilities of a teacher well before (and after) they are launched into a primary teaching position. Coaching is also another great way of training–helping teachers and leaders assess and address what they are doing well and what they need to improve. Potential teacher/leader training as well as ongoing training are essential. Make training a part of leaders job descriptions. Offer high quality training.
TEACHING IS RELEVANT TO THE AUDIENCE. For life-change to take place, learners must be led to encounter God in His Word. He has placed these sheep in your care. You have spent time getting to know them and their spiritual needs. You have gotten to know their affinities, challenges, and lifestyles. The direction must be discerned by spending time in God’s Word listening for the truth that He wants you and them to hear and to obey. Study the lesson early. Look for current illustrations throughout the travels of your week. Lead learners to apply the truth to their lives. Hold them accountable to keep their commitments to Him!
As I suggested in Part 1, rate the health of your Sunday School in these three areas. How are you doing? Which area(s) do you need to address? Don’t forget to read the other two parts of this series. In Part 3, we will examine the strategies of space, outreach, and new units. Help your leaders learn, understand, and implement the purpose of Sunday School. Organize for growth. Enroll properly. Be revolutionary!
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