The open group concept in Sunday School is foundational to a successful Bible study ministry in our churches. Over time it is not unusual for people to focus their small group more toward their own wants and needs, and less on those who are outside. As Sunday School leaders we must continue to keep our collective focus on reaching those who are not part of our church, or God’s Kingdom.
When we examine the Great Commission passage of Matthew 28:19-20, several important words are customarily highlighted – “go,” “teach,” “observe.” The word rarely mentioned is “them.” What an incredibly important word that should draw our continued attention as Sunday School leaders, focusing our efforts toward reaching the lost in our neighborhoods.
Several factors go into making our Sunday School genuinely Open Group.
One part of being Open Group is the curriculum used by our classes or groups. The best curriculum is that which provides for a Bible study experience each Sunday that is a stand-alone lesson. Your teachers may be teaching from a “quarterly” format, but the idea is that on any given Sunday, someone could walk in off the street, step into any of our classes and understand the lesson. Closed Group curriculum is more sequential in design, allowing for teachers to build on each successive lesson with the completion resulting in a study pieced together like a puzzle. Every piece is required to see the “picture on the puzzle box.” Each approach to curriculum has a purpose in growing believers into more mature Christ followers. The key is in the appropriate use and the desired result.
You readily see that along with curriculum, the teaching approach in Open Group encourages the teacher/facilitator to allow for the inclusion of new believers, long-time believers and seekers in the same class. To accomplish this requires that the teacher is joined in this open approach by every member of the class.
As members of an Open Group focused class, we form a team with the teacher; not just simply showing up to be spoon fed biblical information. Collectively we:
- Invite guests to become involved in our group as members (Open Enrollment) so they know we genuinely want them in our class, and our lives. Make sure they understand that they may join the class even before they join the church.
- Look for new faces – beginning on the parking lot, not just in the classroom – and invite them to sit with us and meet our friends (Open Classes).
- Focus our attention on God’s Word – which is ultimately the curriculum of Sunday School – and help others to feel comfortable with finding passages (Open Bibles).
- Become early adopters in fresh ideas that Sunday School leadership presents to teachers, and ultimately to our classes (Open Minds). What an encouragement when members help lead the way.
Sunday School leaders, teachers – effectively using the best curriculum choice for their class – and, members combine to effectively present an inviting Open Group for “them.”
Wow, this guy’s GOOD! And, surprisingly, spot on! In so many of our churches lately, the curriculum plan is “whatever”! In one very large church in our DFW metro area, each Sunday School class is encouraged to select their own preference from hundreds of video lessons available from a provider, with no oversight from the staff. This leads to closed lesson series with guests showing up feeling left out, leaders and groups selecting from a buffet of videos and rarely, if ever, actually doing any actual study from their bibles, and an entertainment mentality in Sunday School. The curriculum is God’s Word, and a plan of study that helps our members learn how to discover the truths in God’s Word in an open format that welcomes guests into the group on any Sunday.
Good Stuff, Phil!
(you can pay me the $5 later!)
Keith Lowry