How can care for each other become organic for a Sunday School class? How can it become spontaneous and natural? From my experience, I believe there are two elements almost always present in the move toward organic care:
- LEADERSHIP. Someone is in charge of care. A member care leader leads the class to pray for and meet the needs of group members.
- A PLAN. Care is discussed and planned. A communication plan is established. A strategy for response to crises is put in place before the need. The plan involves the whole class.
When these two elements are present, the class gains experience at caring relationships. Out of that experience comes natural, organic, and spontaneous relationships. And those friendships care.
WHERE DO I START? Consider these ideas:
- Pray for a member care leader.
- Spend time with the leader God sends.
- Ask the leader to help you to do some member care: Make a visit together. Organize response to a need. Plan a fellowship or project together.
- Observe the leader while serving together.
- Then share that the job is too big for you alone. Officially ask the leader to join you in leading the class to do member care.
- After a few months of serving together, encourage the leader to find another leader to help him or her.
Your job is to help care to become natural and organic for the member care leader, This won’t happen overnight, but it is worth a little investment of your time for a few months. The results will pay huge benefits. Care. Lead care. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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