Making something great requires an investment of time, effort, and intentionality. What can you do in the next couple months to move your Sunday School year kickoff from good to great? This is an important question for the Sunday School as a whole or the individual class.
The first thing is to gather your planning team. Ask them to spend time in prayer before the kickoff. Gather somewhere you will not be interrupted. As the meeting planner, put together some key questions to bring out the thinking, creativity, and ownership of the group related to kickoff plans.
What are some potential questions? Consider the following (but don’t limit yourself to these):
- What could we do in the before we launch the new Sunday School year to increase interest and excitement?
- Where could we tap into the most energy?
- What classes could we add and promote that would attract the most attention and interest?
- How could we communicate the values and benefits of Sunday School in an attractive way?
- What testimonies could be shared that would make others want to return or try Sunday School?
- What training is needed by teachers and class leaders that would generate enthusiasm for inviting absentees and prospects?
- Would a classroom cleaning and decorating day help add attention and excitement about the launch?
- Would having an Open House work (seeĀ Sunday School Open House)? Would online registration and promotion of classes help?
- Would creating a brochure about all the classes help? How would it be used?
- How could new signs for every class help attract more attention?
- How might promotional signs around the building make the kickoff even better?
What would you add to the above? What deadlines need to be set? Who needs to be responsible? Time is quickly slipping away. Do as much as you can to make this new year the best ever! Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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