In Part 1, I said a good coach knows that a winning strategy is developed with a good understanding of those involved and of what must be accomplished to arrive at the preferred finish line. This will include annual and ongoing planning sessions. For that planning to come to fruition, ownership of the vision and plan must include every player.
What actions are essential for success as a Sunday School team? This series will look at six simple coaching actions. In the previous two posts, I shared these actions: pray, get to know the team, communicated with the team, and conduct an annual team retreat. Here are the last two actions:
Training is essential for improving effectiveness and teamwork. For your Sunday School team to win this year, what training is needed? Regular doses of training should be sprinkled throughout the year in monthly/quarterly team meetings, annual planning, articles, and more. There should also be special training events planned during the year. These can be for the whole Sunday School team, for age group teams, and for task teams (like outreach leaders), and for new team members (like new teachers).
Regularly assess training needs. Ask questions. Listen. Observe. Address needs but balance topics. Make sure Sunday School essentials get regular reinforcement. Balance training between teaching, reaching, and caring. Focus on organization, enrollment, and fellowship. Some training ideas/plans will naturally flow out of the annual retreat.
As the coach, it is your job to go to bat for your team. Meet with appropriate church leaders to ensure your Sunday School team has everything it needs. Provide space. Be proactive and plan. Make sure the space is well cared for, furnished, and properly equipped. Provide resources, supplies, and curriculum. Plan a budget that will help the team carry out the annual Sunday School plan.
Your job as a coach is important. Planning helps your team achieve even more as you work together. Planning done well results in ownership of goals and enthusiastic pursuit of plans. Sit down now to make plans to lead your team to win! For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the LORD’s declaration—“plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jer. 29:11, CSB)
What can you do to carry out these two coaching actions? Begin praying now. Plan time to build team skills and provide resources to win. Your effectiveness as a coach and as a team depend on these two actions. Coach your team to win. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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