This is a common month in many churches to prepare for the new Sunday School year. Let me offer three simple words that apply now and honestly every week:
God has placed you as the shepherd-teacher of your class for a reason. He has blessed you with passion, gifts, and abilities. Now, pray that He will bless and use you. Then, pray that the lost will be saved and the saved will become more like Jesus. Pray that every lesson will help participants to know what He wants them to do. Pray that absentees will re-engage and that prospects will find a home in the class.
A new year is a great time to invite everyone that in your class age group assignment. If you are starting a new class, begin early inviting a few every day. Visit, call, send mail, email, or text. Plan a fellowship before the first Sunday. Introduce yourself and what the class will begin studying. If you are teaching an existing class, seek help from attenders to make the contacts. Contact every member, including absentees. Seek to make as many prospect contacts as you can. Combining prayer and invitation almost always produces results. Be prepared to welcome members and guests!
Prepare for the first Sunday as if Jesus was planning to attend. He is! Remember that He said, ” where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20, CSB). Start early preparing your lesson. Personally meet God in Bible study. Allow Him to teach you before you teach others. Plan for the lesson to be interactive. Since Jesus is going to be there, invite everyone to come. Set extra chairs out. Enlist greeters. Make sure the room is ready.
Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash
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