Your group regularly prays for the needs of the members and their family and friends, but are you praying for the lost in your family, among your friends, and in your community? We pray for what is important to us. What did Jesus pray for? Yes, He prayed for His family and friends. But Jesus prayed to God that He would follow His will and not His own. Jesus was sent to this earth to redeem the lost. He came to “seek and save the lost.” (HCSB Luke 19:10)
Praying for the lost is a critical step in developing a love for the lost just like Jesus. Our purpose on this earth as believers is not to make our lives more comfortable, but to accomplish the will of the Father. His desire is that the lost would hear the Gospel. For that to happen, God has to transform the heart of the believer (us) and prepare the heart of the lost. A regular time of prayer for the lost will help make that happen.
May I make a suggestion? Let me encourage you to write down the names of three lost people that you know. Commit to pray daily that God would prepare their heart for the message of the Gospel and prepare your life to possibly be the one to share that Good News with them. Also, share the names of those you are praying for with your small group or Sunday School class. Imagine the celebration in heaven and in your class if one of those people comes to know Christ. I would say that would be a great and wise investment of your time. Wouldn’t you?
Sean Keith is the Sunday School/Discipleship Strategist for the Louisiana Baptist Convention.
Good word Sean! So grateful for your investment in La. churches.