I do Breath Prayer weekends with those concerned about unsaved family and friends. We exchange prayers by texting during the day. Here’s the format.

Talking Points to influence our prayer are based on the story from SyroPhoenician mother who won’t go away. (Mark 7:24-30; Matthew 15:21-28) Her prayer was based on these points:
- Her compelling need: a daughter’s torment
- Her helplessness: can’t fix this herself
- Her disqualification from getting an audience (pagan, woman, foreigner, Jesus’ “Do not Disturb” sign)
- Her shamelessness: I’ll do anything for my child
- Her acknowledgement: the Messiah, “Son of David”
- Her humility: kneeling, worshipping. “Lord… Lord… Lord”
- Her persistence: The disciples beg Jesus to send her away, she ignores them
- Her passion: “shouting out,” “pleading”
- A bewildering silence and seeming insult, “dogs” [doggies]
- Her fixation on, “First…” (v 27); “Then I’ll be next!”
- Her respectful, creative, desperate prayer: “Give me what I don’t deserve because of your goodness – and I need it now.” (Tim Keller)
- Her anticipation, “Granted!”
- Her honor: one of only two Jesus commended, “Your faith is great!”
Breath prayer: Lord Jesus, Son of God, hear our cry for mercy and choose, call and reveal Jesus to [our friend] (Galatians 1.15-16)
Talking Points to influence our prayer are based on the story of Four men partnering to save their friend (Mark 2.1-12).
- Their compulsion to see a friend get healthy
- Their decision: get him to Jesus, then we’re done
- Their teamwork; can’t do it alone
- Their “impossible… difficult… done” spirit (Hudson Taylor)
- Their creativity
- Their work maneuvering him upstairs, opening the roof
- The crowd’s irritation with dust and distraction; but not Jesus
- Their teamwork: Jesus sees their faith and responds
- Our Lord’s affectionate, “Son…”
- The bewildering surprise: spiritual healing first
- Then physical healing, eliciting the man’s faith to respond
- Our desire: creative, persistent, team faith
Breath prayer: See our faith, Lord Jesus, and forgive and heal [our friend] spiritually.
Talking points to influence our prayer are based on The widow seeking justice (Luke 18.1-8), the man needing bread at midnight (Lk 11.5-8).
Breath prayer: Jesus, I persist in prayer, expecting a response. You asked, “Will I find faith when I return?” Yes, in me! Save [my friend]!
Written by Paul Johnson, Canadian National Baptist Convention Team Leader, Church Strengthening
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