When does a new year of Sunday School start. Many start close to the beginning of the school year. That means the new year for Sunday School launches on the first Sunday of September, second Sunday of September or a couple of weeks before September. Others opt for an earlier time in the summer. Why earlier? This decision is usually due to wanting to move teens or children into the next grade shortly after the school year ends. As a result, some launch a new Sunday School year on the first Sunday of June, July, or August.
No matter when the new Sunday School year begins, there are some things that should be done to prepare for a great launch:
- pray and seek God’s leadership and blessing;
- enlist God-called leaders;
- provide training of all teachers/workers;
- commission the teachers/workers;
- clean/straighten all classroom space;
- restock the supply/resource closet;
- enlist new teachers/workers;
- start new classes;
- prepare new classrooms;
- paint/update Sunday School space;
- replace worn equipment and furnishings;
- organize to reach and care for people;
- prepare good records;
- make contacts with all members, absentees, and unconnected persons;
- plan new year fellowships;
- plan new year outreach/ministry/service projects;
- set goals for contacts, new members, and attendance;
- set aside time for a Sunday School planning retreat;
- and more.
What are you doing (or have you done) to prepare for the new year? Share it with readers by pressing Comments below. Give God your best effort. Pray. Start well. Plan. Launch new leaders and classes. Reach and care for people. Be revolutionary!
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