The word “Gospel” means “good news”. The good news is summarized in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. A gospel centered Sunday School is focused on Jesus Christ. There are two basic tasks for every Sunday School class to accomplish; to help people begin their faith journey with Him and to help those on the journey become more productive for His Kingdom. The big question is how do we get to that point with every Sunday School class. The following are basic principles that should guide every class aid in reaching and teaching with an end result bringing glory to the Savior.
- Know the purpose of Sunday School. This is the beginning point. If the church has an incorrect understanding of Sunday School, the church will continue to die. The purpose of the Sunday School is the same as the Church. Read Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:41-47.
- Organize to accomplish the purpose. The above scripture verses demonstrate that every church should be about evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and worship. Since these are the purposes then the next step is to staff the tasks.
- Minister to the enrollment each week. Those enrolled are not a list of people that have committed to attend the class. Those enrolled are a list of people that the class has agreed to love, help, pray for, and encourage them to grow. Every member should be contacted every week.
- Properly enlist and equip the leaders. When leaders are poorly enlisted and/or trained the other is impacted. Pray for new leaders. When new leaders are enlisted, share with
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them the expectations of the task. Make sure that every new leader is trained before their term of service begins.
- Go to the people. The members of the class need to be sent out to bring new people back to the group.
- There must be multiplication if the group is going to continue. Every Sunday School class should be starting new classes. Every Sunday School class should be producing new leaders.
These principles seem so simple when reading them, and yet they are so powerful when put into practice! Thank you, Tim, for stating them so clearly and giving Sunday School leaders specific handles for guiding their class to become more gospel-centered.