A recent comment left by Rita Maddox started me thinking. In the comment she said:
Sometimes we feel like we are in charge and teaching that SS class by ourselves. God should always be present and always felt by all. If let Him have control of our hearts before we go through the door He will be.
It was a good reminder that God is on His throne. He is sovereign, in charge of it all. The sheep belong to the Lord. Jesus laid down His life for them (John 10:11). We are technically incorrect when we use the phrases, “my class,” “my Sunday School,” and “my church.” They are His. He is the shepherd-owner of the sheep. He is the head and we are the body who choose out of love to be obedient to His commands (Matthew 28:19-20).
And that knowledge, when recognized and lived out, changes everything! Everything! It adds value to everything we do in Sunday School. We understand and act as if we are doing what we are doing for the most important person in the universe–God. We dedicate our efforts to Him. We seek His leadership, direction, and help. We spend time in His Word and prayer because we love Him so much and would rather be with Him than anyone. We share His compassion. We see the harvest that is white. We share his passion for seeking and saving those who are lost.
Recognizing that God is in charge reminds us that we are not alone in our efforts. He is available to help. He cares. He wants us to make the most difference. His Holy Spirit gives us power, help, and comfort. We are given spiritual gifts to serve Him and build up the church. The evidence of our living relationship with Him are fruit of the Spirit. When we practice that kind of relationship, it changes us and is obvious to everyone around us.
Recognizing that God is in charge also changes how we teach, reach, care, share, and fellowship. We have new purpose. We matter to God and so do people all around us. Not all of the sheep He cares for and is calling to Himself are already in the sheep pen (John 10:16). Instead of operating in our own strength and ideas, we rely upon Him. No longer do we focus only on ourselves.
Not fully there? Seek Him. Spend time in prayer and Bible study. Rediscover God and your passion for Him. Recognize who He is and how great He is. One action at a time, begin to recognize that God is in charge. Follow His lead. Give Him praise and thanks. Watch as the power comes back into your life and your Sunday School. Be revolutionary!
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