People today are committing to less and less. And even when they make commitments, they don’t always keep them. Commitments today require strong reasons, and that applies to enrolling in a Sunday School class as well.
Seven Reasons
Share some of these reasons with people as you invite them to become part of your Sunday School class:
- GROWTH. The number one predictor of spiritual growth is daily Bible reading. Sunday School classes encourage daily Bible reading and help in understanding what is read.
- CONNECTION. Only 16% of new church members who don’t join a Sunday School class will still be active five years later. Coals taken out of the fire will go out. But 83% of those joining Sunday School remain active five years later.
- EXAMPLE. The parents and grandparents have a significant influence on their children and teens (and grandchildren). They watch to see if you really believe what you say, and Sunday School helps you live out your faith.
- SALVATION. More than 100 pastors have told me that between 50 and 100% of lost people in Sunday School accept Jesus within 12 months. How can you lead your lost family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors into Sunday School (and to Jesus) if you don’t attend?
- HELP. All of us need support and encouragement through life’s stress and challenges. Sunday School class members provide ministry, prayer, help, and support during these times.
- FRIENDSHIP. Friendships are too often absent in today’s face-paced world. God created us to be people who connect to Him and others, and Sunday School is a great place to develop friendships through class time, socials, and projects together.
- DISCUSSION. When we open God’s Word together, we are able to understand it better through questions and discussion. Talking about what we are learning together leads to greater ownership of what is learned and likelihood for application to life.
What would you add to these seven reasons? Leave a Comment (under the title) to share your thoughts. Make disciples. Enroll them in a class. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Ken Treloar on Unsplash
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