At long last, this eleven-year-old blog with over 1,200 posts will be freshened up. It will undergo a move and redesign process to be completed by year’s end. More precisely, it will be moved to a WordPress platform and the posts migrated there.
The WordPress platform will help me do things I have been unable to do for years. It will make many aspects of blogging much easier. My other blog, 28Nineteen.com (about discipleship) is already on WordPress. So I won’t have to juggle two different blog apps.
I will continue to write in the meantime. It will not interrupt your ability to search the blog to find the help you need. It is possible that Google and other search engines will be confused for a few days. Links which point to the old location for the blog may not produce results.
If you are subscribed to the blog (entered your email), you will continue to get each blog post delivered by email when I write (usually once a week). If you are not already signed up, subscribing is simple. Sign up now so you get my posts delivered directly to your inbox.
If you’ve been finding my blog at web.kybaptist.org/kbc/blogs/ssrb.nsf, go ahead and delete that address. That address will be going away after the first of the year.
Keep an eye out for the new design. I plan to offer some give-aways when it rolls out. There is much work to do. God and His people deserve our best effort. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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