In Part 1, I shared that reporting discipleship was common in Sunday School even 20 years ago. In that post, I shared the main key measures back then: attendance, being on time, Bible brought, Bible read daily, giving, lesson studied, worship attendance, and contacts.
This list can be useful today just like it was back then. For instance, daily Bible reading is critical to making spiritual progress. Each discipleship measure on that list has value. But are there other discipleship measures which should be considered?
Reporting Other Discipleship Measures
I believe there are many additional discipleship measures through the Sunday School which may be helpful today. Consider the following sample list:
- Class service. How many are serving in some way in the class?
- Church service. How many are serving in some way in the church?
- Community ministry. How many are serving the Lord in some way in and through the community?
- Gospel conversations. How many gospel conversations did class members have with others during the week?
- Testimonies of obedience. How many people lived out the truth of last week’s lesson?
- Member contacts. How many made contacts with members and absentees to communicate care?
- Prospect contacts. How many made contacts with prospects to communicate care and invitation?
- Spiritual disciplines. How many members practiced spiritual disciplines this week? Which spiritual disciplines?
- Special studies. How many participated in special training events and studies beyond Sunday School?
What would you add to this list of discipleship measures which may help us assess discipleship progress in our classes? Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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