God deserves our best. Revolutionary Sunday School understands that a teacher who stops learning stops growing and cannot give God his/her best. So, revolutionary Sunday School expects teachers to train. Teachers are asked to sign a covenant in which they agree to participate in training.
How can we respond to some of the excuses given for not offering training? In an article entitled, 4 Reasons Your Leaders Don’t Want to Be Trained, Kevin Miller lists three of his four that are relevant to our conversation:
- PEOPLE ARE TOO BUSY OR DON’T HAVE TIME. Yes, people today do seem to busy. They often commit to do too much. But at the same time, they seem to fit their priorities into their schedules. Let me share an illustration. A few years ago, my church was asked to host the funeral for Congressman, William H. Natcher. We were contacted and told the President would attend. Suddenly, we developed new priorities to get our facilities ready for dignitaries and media. In Sunday School, we need to realize that Jesus will be present in our midst where two or three are gathered in His name (Matthew 18:20). Training is needed to offer Him our best every Sunday. But at the same time, we need to be responsive in the type of training offered to make it available in a variety of methods and times.
- THEY THINK THEY ALREADY KNOW [HOW TO TEACH] AND DON’T NEED TRAINING. I recently spoke to a church leader who had instituted required teacher teaching for all teachers. A newly-enlisted school teacher with many years of school experience was resisting the requirement. If he made allowance for the teacher, it would make expectations of future teachers harder to enforce. That becomes a good reason to give current resistors. Again, a covenant becomes a great positive accountability tool. Even the best teacher in the best class needs to be stretched and needs reminders from time to time.
- WE HAVE TROUBLE FINDING MATERIAL THAT IS EXCITING AND ENGAGING FOR PARTICIPANTS. Talk to and observe your teachers and offer training in areas needed. Bring in experts. Ask teachers to prepare part of the training. Assign chapters of books to present. Survey them. Vary the presentation methods. Offer age group training–don’t make it all generic. Provide a meal or refreshments. Provide childcare. Scratch where they itch.
How would you respond to the excuses above for not offering training? What revolutionary actions are you taking to train your teachers? What are you doing to train new teachers? What are you doing to provide training for your teachers throughout the year? Press the comments button below and leave your ideas. Train your teachers. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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