Even though continual evaluation is ideal, the start of a new year is a great time to gather your team to evaluate Sunday School. To fail to evaluate is a missed opportunity for improvement, progress, and growth. Consider the following:
EVALUATE. Pause to pray together and to ask your team these questions (write down your responses):
- Strengths. What have we done well this past year? What were our strengths? What were our successes? In which areas did we make progress?
- Needs. What are our needs? In what areas do we need improvement? In which areas do we need progress? What are our struggles and weaknesses?
- Opportunities. What opportunities do we have in the year ahead? Where do we have the most potential to see growth? What might happen with some work and encouragement?
PRIORITIZE. Evaluation will naturally open your eyes to areas in need to attention and adjustment. Focus. Consider the needs and opportunities. Determine the priority of each. Which is most important? OR Which needs to be accomplished first?
SET GOALS. Set goals, determine actions to accomplish those goals, make assignments, and set deadlines. Again focus. Narrow your goals to three or fewer. Focusing on too many goals tends to dilute attention and energy. Here calendaring actions to accomplish goals is essential.
ASSESS AND ADJUST. Calendaring actions is not enough. Calendar meetings to check on progress. As challenges present themselves, make adjustments to goals and plans. Celebrate progress together along the way.
Pray. Evaluate, prioritize, set goals and make plans, and assess and adjust. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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