I have written much over the years about Sunday School teacher preparation and lesson presentation. My book, Disciple-Making Encounters, examines both of these focusing upon the teacher and the class encountering God in Bible study. I explain many practical steps in preparation and presentation.
Here I want to emphasize the simple outline that holds it all together. For further explanation, grab a copy of Disciple-Making Encounters on Kindle for only $3.99. Consider this outline as you prepare and share your lesson this week:
Simple Outline
- Capture attention. Help attenders get their minds on the lesson and scripture passage for the day.
- Read scripture. It only takes 2-3 minutes to read the entire passage and set the parts into better context.
- What did God say? This is where we examine scripture to discern what God’s message was to the original hearers, for today, and for me.
- What is my response? When God speaks, He expects a response, typically prayer (silent, written, or spoken) along with action (see the next two bullets).
- What will I do? Here we begin our action response by agreeing with God and committing to obey.
- What did I do? This is follow up of our commitments by the class, an accountability partner, or self in a journal. This could be through the week or the beginning of the next lesson.
May I challenge you to evaluate your normal lesson preparation and presentation plan with this outline? Which of the six parts above are normally in your plan? Which parts are missing? What can you do this week to adjust to include all the parts?
Disciple-Making Rather Than History Overview
These preparation and presentation steps ensure that your lessons do more than present on overview of a book known as the Bible. The steps ensure that you and attenders meet God in Bible study and are changed. Jesus in the Great Commission expected change when He said “teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20, CSB).
Meet God in Bible study and open yourself to the change He expects. Then prepare a lesson to lead your members to do the same. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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