I have written about this subject previously. But I was asked to write a blog post for today, day 4 of the 31 Days of Sunday School Great Expectations series on the SundaySchoolLeader.com site. This new blog has content and resources from Southern Baptist state convention Sunday School directors from all over the United States.
Anyway, my topic for today’s post there is Expect Leaders to Arrive Early. I hope you will read the entire post. In fact, I hope you will check out the Great Expectations series every day in August!
In my blog post there, Expect Leaders to Arrive Early, I shared five steps expecting leaders to arrive early:
- consider your example,
- communicate the expectation during enlistment,
- share benefits of early arrival,
- share consequences of late arrival,
- reinforce during the transition toward early arrival.
For some practical illustrations of each of the steps, check out Expect Leaders to Arrive Early. I closed the post by say, “It takes three weeks to develop new habits. Don’t give up. God deserves our best effort. Expect leaders to arrive early!” To that I would simply add, be revolutionary!
For more ideas about this topic, check out Great Expectations: Planting Seeds for Sunday School Growth by David Francis of LifeWay Christian Resources.
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